Resterna provides a safe alternative way to the traditional procedure of open heart surgery. Our revolutionary patent pending method is proven to lower the risk for patients and drastically reduce hospital costs.
Congenital heart disease (CHFD) occurs in 8 out of 1000 live births. It is expected these babies undergo at least 4-5 different operations during their lifetime, in which the re-entry via breastbone is the riskiest part.
This is done by the risky process of cutting open the breastbone (sternum). Complications such as injury to the underlying heart can be catastrophic and can lead to death.
This surgery of reopening the breastbone has remained unchanged for the last 75 years. In adults, the incidence of open-heart surgery is several times more.
Resterna is a safe alternative procedure to the traditional method of opening the sternum (breastbone) with an oscillating saw.
Traditionally, to know when you have gone through the chest bone entirely, doctors use their intuition determined by the loss of resistance between the bone and saw. However, our method involves no reliance on the very fine tactical feeling of a giveaway.
Riya Bonde is the CEO and Founder of Resterna LLC. She is the mastermind behind this revolutionary wonder in the field of cardiac surgical procedure. Her research in the medical field and passion for aiding patients led to the inception of Resterna, which she believes will change many lives.